M.B.D. and others v. Spain (Communication No. 5/2015) [5.07.2017]

Date of the decision: 5 July 2017
Jurisdiction: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Country: Spain
Subject: Evictions without suitable alternative accommodation (tenants)
The Committee urged Spain to:
  • Promote legislative and / or administrative measures  the judge can evaluate the consequences of the eviction in the procedures of eviction of tenants.
  • Improve coordination between the judiciary and social services in order to prevent an evicted person from leaving his/her home without alternative housing.
  • The evictions of vulnerable people only take place after having consulted in a genuine and effective manner these people and to ensure that the state has made every possible step using the maximum available resources to obtain a suitable alternative housing.
  • Formulate and implement, in coordination with the regions, a plan to guarantee the right to housing for vulnerable people with the provision of resources, deadlines and evaluation of it.
Legal basis: Violation of the Right to adequate housing, Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:
Read full case: click here.
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Right to housing


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